Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To Write Something ...

To write something obscure but meaningful a poem would be best,
For the next 30 minutes or so, prose, story, sms and facebook status all shall rest,
I will rhyme for the next half an hour till 4.00 am;
Cause' frankly poems without meaning but fearless rhyming is my game.

It has been 2784 hours since I have wrote anything
and it has been 2784 hours since I have tried to write something.
Since then I have been thinking of words, rhymes and emotions;
But have threw me off guard, life and its bloody commotions.

Don't try to look for hints here as this is no puzzle,
There is no secret, no hidden meaning; just do not nuzzle.
I just wanted to write some lines just to let it go;
Its simple, just take a deep breath and let it flow.

They say I am superb and a rhyming God.
First of all I am an atheist and hence I nod;
For if I were to become God I would like to be Hades or Pluto,
Forget sanctity,  I would be Ulfa, Al -qaeda or NATO. 

See, I promised you vacuous, meaningless stuffs,
My poem just as meaningless as Copenhagen bluffs.
Come to think of it I am hating all the dreamers of this world;
At Martin, MK or Velvet, I am waiting for my stones to be hurled.

Oh well, those were days; John would smoke;
Chill them all out - Coke, cloak and still joke
About how he enjoyed Dehradun and the Sitar maestro
Everything else is fraud like the "wealth of nations" and Fidel Castro.

But the world then lacked may be Coen brothers and Nolan;
And perhaps Seinfeld and Rushdie, Salman.
Much, good and quality entertainment they never had;
Even the women started something, long after the 1st, "the 2nd and the 3rd".

I wonder how the world never gets bored of it,
I got within 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour and a minute.
Oh, wait a second, I was not supposed to write all these.
Ah well, these are as meaningless as ever the world would please.